BirthMatches 1 to 50 of 87 1 2 Next»
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Birth |
Person ID |
Tree |
1 |
GOTTO, Anna Maria | 30 Jan 1803 | Bollendorf, Germany | I593 | Bollendorf Spangs |
2 |
JUNGLES, Margaret | 01 Nov 1797 | Bollendorf, Germany | I419 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
3 |
PLEIN, Maria | Abt 1780 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2491 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
4 |
SPANG, ??? | Abt 1848 | Bollendorf, Germany | I558 | Bollendorf Spangs |
5 |
SPANG, Angelica | 24 Mar 1825 | Bollendorf, Germany | I420 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
6 |
SPANG, Anna | 24 Aug 1763 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2534 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
7 |
SPANG, Anna Maria | 14 Apr 1764 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2535 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
8 |
SPANG, Anna Maria | 22 Jul 1795 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2449 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
9 |
SPANG, Anna Maria | 29 May 1826 | Bollendorf, Germany | I421 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
10 |
SPANG, Anna Maria | 03 Feb 1827 | Bollendorf, Germany | I596 | Bollendorf Spangs |
11 |
SPANG, Catharina | 25 Dec 1741 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2519 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
12 |
SPANG, Catharina | 18 Oct 1768 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2532 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
13 |
SPANG, Catharina | 28 Aug 1780 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2512 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
14 |
SPANG, Catharina | 21 May 1788 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2455 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
15 |
SPANG, Catharina | 28 Mar 1834 | Bollendorf, Germany | I585 | Bollendorf Spangs |
16 |
SPANG, Catharina | 28 Sep 1834 | Bollendorf, Germany | I245 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
17 |
SPANG, Catharine | 25 Sep 1808 | Bollendorf, Germany | I608 | Bollendorf Spangs |
18 |
SPANG, Elisabeth | 04 Feb 1842 | Bollendorf, Germany | I591 | Bollendorf Spangs |
19 |
SPANG, Elisabetha | | Bollendorf, Germany | I2454 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
20 |
SPANG, Elisabetha | 24 Nov 1788 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2503 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
21 |
SPANG, Elizabeth | 13 Jun 1831 | Bollendorf, Germany | I598 | Bollendorf Spangs |
22 |
SPANG, Gertrude | 15 Jun 1749 | Bollendorf, Germany | I610 | Bollendorf Spangs |
23 |
SPANG, Gertrude | 13 Oct 1801 | Bollendorf, Germany | I605 | Bollendorf Spangs |
24 |
SPANG, Joannes | 25 Dec 1727 | Bollendorf, Germany | I574 | Bollendorf Spangs |
25 |
SPANG, Joannes | 27 Aug 1743 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2525 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
26 |
SPANG, Joannes | 01 Jan 1744 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2513 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
27 |
SPANG, Joannes | 01 Feb 1804 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2494 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
28 |
SPANG, Joannes | 02 Feb 1837 | Bollendorf, Germany | I188 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
29 |
SPANG, Joannis | 05 Jun 1753 | Bollendorf, Germany | I601 | Bollendorf Spangs |
30 |
SPANG, Joannis | 12 Sep 1791 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2457 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
31 |
SPANG, Joannis | 24 Feb 1797 | Bollendorf, Germany | I850 | Bollendorf Spangs |
32 |
SPANG, Joannis | 24 Dec 1798 | Bollendorf, Germany | I600 | Bollendorf Spangs |
33 |
SPANG, Joannis | 22 Oct 1802 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2448 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
34 |
SPANG, Joannis | Abt 1820 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2480 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
35 |
SPANG, Joes | 28 May 1705 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2517 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
36 |
SPANG, Joes | 10 Feb 1745 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2520 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
37 |
SPANG, Johann | 09 Sep 1827 | Bollendorf, Germany | I335 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
38 |
SPANG, John | 29 Oct 1843 | Bollendorf, Germany | I582 | Bollendorf Spangs |
39 |
SPANG, John Peter | 22 Jun 1838 | Bollendorf, Germany | I583 | Bollendorf Spangs |
40 |
SPANG, Magdalena | 13 Nov 1732 | Bollendorf, Germany | I580 | Bollendorf Spangs |
41 |
SPANG, Magdalena | Mar 1735 | Bollendorf, Germany | I581 | Bollendorf Spangs |
42 |
SPANG, Magdalena | 30 May 1746 | Bollendorf, Germany | I611 | Bollendorf Spangs |
43 |
SPANG, Magdalena | 23 Jun 1840 | Bollendorf, Germany | I590 | Bollendorf Spangs |
44 |
SPANG, Margaret | 30 Sep 1793 | Bollendorf, Germany | I606 | Bollendorf Spangs |
45 |
SPANG, Margareth | 29 May 1825 | Bollendorf, Germany | I595 | Bollendorf Spangs |
46 |
SPANG, Maria | 15 Aug 1706 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2516 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
47 |
SPANG, Maria | 28 Nov 1730 | Bollendorf, Germany | I620 | Bollendorf Spangs |
48 |
SPANG, Maria | 27 Nov 1748 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2527 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
49 |
SPANG, Maria | 09 Jun 1749 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2522 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
50 |
SPANG, Mathias | 26 Sep 1726 | Bollendorf, Germany | I586 | Bollendorf Spangs |
1 2 Next»
DiedMatches 1 to 23 of 23
Last Name, Given Name(s) |
Died |
Person ID |
Tree |
1 |
JUNGLES, Margaret | 16 Aug 1858 | Bollendorf, Germany | I419 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
2 |
SPANG, Anna Maria | 15 Jan 1797 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2449 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
3 |
SPANG, Anna Maria | 31 May 1828 | Bollendorf, Germany | I596 | Bollendorf Spangs |
4 |
SPANG, Anna Maria | 28 Aug 1849 | Bollendorf, Germany | I421 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
5 |
SPANG, Carolus | 20 Apr 1835 | Bollendorf, Germany | I244 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
6 |
SPANG, Elisabetha | 11 Mar 1794 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2503 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
7 |
SPANG, Elisabetha | 13 Feb 1822 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2454 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
8 |
SPANG, Franciscus | 10 Apr 1837 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2465 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
9 |
SPANG, Gertrude | 27 Jun 1802 | Bollendorf, Germany | I605 | Bollendorf Spangs |
10 |
SPANG, Joannes | 18 Dec 1836 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2464 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
11 |
SPANG, Joannes | 01 Jan 1839 | Bollendorf, Germany | I188 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
12 |
SPANG, Joannis | 23 Sep 1854 | Bollendorf, Germany | I600 | Bollendorf Spangs |
13 |
SPANG, Magdalena | 14 Jan 1839 | Bollendorf, Germany | I246 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
14 |
SPANG, Mathias | 20 Aug 1790 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2456 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
15 |
SPANG, Michael | 18 Jun 1852 | Bollendorf, Germany | I589 | Bollendorf Spangs |
16 |
SPANG, Nicolas | 03 Oct 1841 | Bollendorf, Germany | I418 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
17 |
SPANG, Nicolaus | 05 Nov 1790 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2504 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
18 |
SPANG, Nicolaus | 30 Mar 1836 | Bollendorf, Germany | I187 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
19 |
SPANG, Nicolaus | 10 Jan 1858 | Bollendorf, Germany | I592 | Bollendorf Spangs |
20 |
SPANG, Peter | 16 Jan 1826 | Bollendorf, Germany | I2500 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
21 |
SPANG, Susanna | 10 Dec 1817 | Bollendorf, Germany | I159 | Bollendorf Spangs |
22 |
TRIERWEILER, Elisabeth | 14 Feb 1857 | Bollendorf, Germany | I332 | Bollendorf Spangs |
23 |
TRIERWEILER, Peter | 14 Apr 1859 | Bollendorf, Germany | I333 | Bollendorf Spangs |
BuriedMatches 1 to 1 of 1
MarriedMatches 1 to 26 of 26
Family |
Married |
Family ID |
Tree |
1 |
Bauer / Kohner | Abt 1760 | Bollendorf, Germany | F132 | Bollendorf Spangs |
2 |
George / Spang | 18 Mar 1829 | Bollendorf, Germany | F227 | Bollendorf Spangs |
3 |
Hostert / Spang | 10 Oct 1859 | Bollendorf, Germany | F236 | Bollendorf Spangs |
4 |
Jacobs / Spangen | 1702 | Bollendorf, Germany | F232 | Bollendorf Spangs |
5 |
Roeder / Spang | 07 Jan 1857 | Bollendorf, Germany | F131 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
6 |
Spang / Adams | 1716 | Bollendorf, Germany | F230 | Bollendorf Spangs |
7 |
Spang / Bauer | 25 Jan 1790 | Bollendorf, Germany | F225 | Bollendorf Spangs |
8 |
Spang / Binsfield | 20 May 1775 | Bollendorf, Germany | F914 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
9 |
Spang / Cruchten | 02 Mar 1859 | Bollendorf, Germany | F173 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
10 |
Spang / Fellens | Sep 1746 | Bollendorf, Germany | F238 | Bollendorf Spangs |
11 |
Spang / Feltz | 1819 | Bollendorf, Germany | F85 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
12 |
Spang / Filtz | 11 May 1819 | Bollendorf, Germany | F897 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
13 |
Spang / Gotto | 04 Mar 1823 | Bollendorf, Germany | F224 | Bollendorf Spangs |
14 |
Spang / Hames | 1738 | Bollendorf, Germany | F229 | Bollendorf Spangs |
15 |
Spang / Hardt | 28 Mar 1868 | Bollendorf, Germany | F174 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
16 |
Spang / Hobscheid | 08 Nov 1785 | Bollendorf, Germany | F894 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
17 |
Spang / Jacobs | Abt 1726 | Bollendorf, Germany | F228 | Bollendorf Spangs |
18 |
Spang / Jungles | 24 Mar 1824 | Bollendorf, Germany | F127 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
19 |
Spang / Kothes | 1761 | Bollendorf, Germany | F226 | Bollendorf Spangs |
20 |
Spang / Plein | 13 Jan 1802 | Bollendorf, Germany | F908 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
21 |
Spang / Plein | 18 Aug 1806 | Bollendorf, Germany | F909 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
22 |
Spang / Schrantz | 23 Feb 1785 | Bollendorf, Germany | F237 | Bollendorf Spangs |
23 |
Spang / Trens | 12 Feb 1855 | Bollendorf, Germany | F129 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
24 |
Spang / Wagener | 13 Jan 1801 | Bollendorf, Germany | F907 | Miscellaneous Spangs |
25 |
Spangen / Heyrath | 25 Nov 1669 | Bollendorf, Germany | F231 | Bollendorf Spangs |
26 |
Trierweiler / Spang | 03 Jan 1853 | Bollendorf, Germany | F167 | Bollendorf Spangs |